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Forum > Linux > Latest Wine on Debian Wheezy
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Author: EngysTopic: Latest Wine on Debian WheezyLast change: 2013-11-27 21:29:29 

To get the latest Wine on Wheezy without compiling any stuff you will need to add contrib to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

vi /etc/apt/sources.list

Your sources.list should look something similar to this:

deb wheezy main contrib
deb-src wheezy main contrib

Save your changes and exit.
If you are using a 32 Bit System you will need to start:

apt-get update

If you are using a 64 Bit system you will need to add i386 architecture with:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update

To get Pulseaudio support for programs like Teamspeak you will need to add the Pulseaudio packages:

apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol libasound2-plugins libasound2-plugins:i386

As normal user you should check if pavucontrol get the right settings for your audiocard.

To get latests Wine versions you will need to install the following packages:

apt-get install wine-bin:i386 ttf-mscorefonts-installer p7zip playonlinux

For using Playonlinux you better create a separate useraccount.

In Playonlinux you can install latest Wine versions under Tools -> Customize Wine versions

If you want to manually configure your "Wine Bottles" you can create your own Wineprefix on top of the Playonlinux installation.
Create a directory wbucket in your home directory to store your own "Wine Bottles":

mkdir ~/wbucket

If you already installed Wine 1.7.5 in Playonlinux the bashscript for your own wineprefix should look something similar to this:

export WPATH=/home/zock/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-x86/1.7.5/
export PATH=$WPATH/bin:$PATH
export WINESERVER=$WPATH/bin/wineserver
export WINELOADER=$WPATH/bin/wine
export WINEDLLPATH=$WPATH/lib/wine/fakedlls
export WINEPREFIX="/home/zock/wbucket/steam"
export WINEDEBUG="fixme-all"
export WINEARCH=win32
cd "/home/zock/wbucket/steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/"
// wine Steam.exe -no-dwrite

Replace zock with your username.
Save the script and make it executeable with:

chmod u+x <script>

Replace <script> with a name that fits best for your purpose.

Run your script with:


or put your winescripts into your local bin directory to execute them from everywhere you want:
Here you will find a description for this -> Add local bin directory into path

To change the audio volume between the programs use pavucontrol.

Have fun

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