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Forum > Linux > Mounting Samba smb/cifs share
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Author: EngysTopic: Mounting Samba smb/cifs shareLast change: 2013-10-25 15:49:02 

To be able to mount a smb/cifs share you need to install cifs-utils:

apt-get install cifs-utils

To manually mount a smb/cifs share you can use the following as root:

mount -t cifs //<ip>/share /mnt/share -o user=<username>

<ip> need to be replaced with your smb server ip.
<username> need to be replaced with the smb username.

if you want to mount a smb/cifs share automatically you can edit your /etc/fstab with:

vi /etc/fstab

and add the following line:

//<ip>/share /mnt/share cifs rw,credentials=/etc/smb-pass.txt,comment=systemd.automount,uid=<uid>,gid=<gid> 0 0

<ip> need to be replaced with your smb server ip.
<uid> and <gid> need to be replaced with the user- and groupid of the user who is the owner of the underlying filesystem.

comment=systemd.automount will speed up the boot process and is mounting the share if it is needed.

create a file in /etc with:

vi /etc/smb-pass.txt

and add the following lines:


protect it against others with:

chmod 700 /etc/smb-pass.txt

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