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Forum > Linux > Archive with Tar, Gzip & Bzip2
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Author: EngysTopic: Archive with Tar, Gzip & Bzip2Last change: 2013-10-04 16:35:41 

Tar compression without displaying compressed files:

tar -czf name.tar.gz /etc/ /home/

Tar compression display compressed files:

tar -czvf name.tar.gz /etc/ /home/

Parameter description:

-c compress
-j --bzip2
-z --gzip
-v verbose
-f file

Gzip-Tar decompression in separate steps:

gunzip name.tar.gz
tar -xvf name.tar

Tar-Gzip decompression:

tar -zxvf name.tar.gz

Display Tar-Gzip content:

tar -tzvf name.tar.gz

Parameter description:

-x extract => decompress
-t list archiv files
-z --gunzip
-f file

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